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Design in Mental Health 2021

Join Director of Design Research and Innovation, Richard Mazuch, alongside Mental Health Lead, Karen Flatt, and Studio Associate Director, Stuart Roberts, at the Design in Mental Health Conference 2021. The leading UK conference focuses on the design, construction, refurbishment, management, and clinical provision of mental health environments. Our speakers will be sharing their insights on innovative post-pandemic design solutions for mental health professionals across community and secure environments.


OPTA LIVE: Improving Operations with Technology

Join Sr. Practice Lead, Transit Technology, Doug Parker, as he moderates the webinar ‘Improving Operations with Technology’ at OPTA LIVE, a virtual event hosted by the Ontario Public Transit Association and sponsored by IBI Group. The webinar aims to highlight the value of deploying new technology to address agency needs, with real world examples from a wide range of professionals. Joining Doug is Manager, Transportation Engineering, David Forsey, and Transit Technology Specialist, Seth McDermott. David will discuss his insights on planning and implementing supportive technologies within the Region of Waterloo, while Seth shares his insights on the Sarnia Electric Bus Feasibility Study.


Navigating the Future of Population Health

Join Studio Associate Director, Geoff Southern, on July 1 as he speaks at Creating Healthy Places, a panel exploring how gains in population health can be achieved by working together to improve built, natural and social environments. We are proud to work in partnership with The Kings Fund, a leading think tank in the United Kingdom, to support their virtual conference on population health and wellbeing.


Education Buildings Wales Digital Week

Join architect Elena Remirez, and architect and passive house consultant, Padraig McMorrow, at a panel discussion on ‘The race to net zero: how Welsh education can power out of the starting blocks,’ at this year’s Education Buildings Wales Digital Week. They’ll be joined by guest speakers from AECOM and Curtins on June 22 at 2pm BST to discuss the challenges the construction industry faces when approaching sustainable design, and how we can create sustainable buildings of the future. IBI Group is proud to sponsor the week-long event and contribute our knowledge in sustainable facility design.

How Curb Management Tools Shape Digital Parking Strategies

Join Director, Senior Practice Lead, Transportation Engineering, Peter Richards, for a webinar hosted by ITS Canada on digital parking strategies. Peter will be highlighting how IBI’s curbside management tool, CurbIQ, has innovated how cities visualize, manage, and improve their curbside operations. He will also discuss how our partnerships with municipalities have created forward-thinking transportation strategies. Peter will be joined by industry experts in transportation and parking on June 9, 2021, at 12:30 EDT.

ITS Canada defines Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) as the application of advanced and emerging technologies in transportation to save lives, time, money, energy and the environment. Its goal is to create a fully integrated transportation management system that promotes efficiency, safety and mobility.

International Recycling Week

Join Associate Manager, Environmental Services, Hassan Ktaech, at International Recycling Week, a four-day virtual event hosted by Waste & Recycling Middle East and Africa & Recycling Today. On day four, Hassan will share his insights on health and safety matters on construction and demolition projects in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Hassan will be among many industry professionals around the globe who will be sharing their insights surrounding waste reduction, recycling practices and improving environmental impacts.


Reset Symposium

IBI Group is proud to be a lead sponsor of Reset Symposium, a virtual event organized by ULI Toronto’s Women’s Leadership Initiative. The event’s keynote speakers will discuss solutions for more equitable and sustainable city-building and engage experts across professional fields. Inspired by the renewed urgency to address systemic barriers, brought on by the pandemic, attendees will consider how women and marginalized people face barriers to opportunities, work/life balance, equitable economic benefit and inclusive agency.


Planning for Climate Resilience in Healthcare Facilities

Join Associate Director, Practice Lead, Architecture, Doug McLachlan, for a webinar on climate resilience in healthcare facilities, and the British Columbia regulations impacting sustainable best practices in the region. As a member of the Climate Resilience Guidelines for BC Health Facility Planning and Design task force, Doug will discuss the standardization of the design and planning process, the impact of climate hazards on recent projects, and designing climate-resilient facilities. Doug will be joined by industry experts in sustainability and engineering on May 5, 2021 at 11:00 PDT.


IBI Group’s 2021 Annual General Meeting

Join us for our Annual General Meeting on May 14, hosted in the virtual Smart City Sandbox. Following the Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders, led by newly appointed Board Chair, Michael Nobrega, CEO Scott Stewart will provide a message to shareholders and introduce our business-sector leads and Chief Operations Director. You’ll also be able to explore our immersive Investor Showcase, including updates on our strategic business growth, urban innovation and SaaS portfolio, and Environmental, Social and Governance Profile.
Explore the Investor Showcase

Higher Education PPP Hub

Join Director, Buildings, USA East, Ari Bose, and Parametric Design Lead, Jason King, at the Data-Driven Decision Making in the Design Process panel, inspired in part by Ari’s recently published article in the Higher Education PPP Report. Alongside esteemed peers, the pair will discuss the potential of technology-enabled campus design, driven by algorithms, collaboration, and human insight, to yield increased student retention, graduation rates, and a higher quality of education. Use code IBIGroup to register.

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