Wendy Atkinson
Wendy is a recognised expert in the development and implementation of operational procedures for highway network management. Prior to joining IBI Group, she worked for Gloucestershire Police, supervising two control rooms, and for Highways England’s Traffic Officer Service, managing incidents both on the network and from the Regional Control Centre. She managed Highways England’s National Occupational Standards Programme, which she also developed into a formal Traffic Management Diploma, accredited by City and Guilds.
Since joining IBI Group in 2010, Wendy has advised clients such as Glasgow City Council and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), as well as continuing her role as technical advisor to Highways England. She has provided specialist support to Smart Motorway operations and led projects including the Stationary Vehicle Detection Trial and the development of Smart Motorway Driver Information Requirements. Wendy currently coordinates IBI’s work to enhance Highways England’s signalling policy and capability. She is integral to expanding the firm’s services to other highway network managers across the UK and to the emergency services.